Terminating Decimal - Definition and Examples

terminating decimal is a decimal that have a finite amount of digits after the decimal point. In other words, it is a decimal that has an end.

For example, the fraction 2/5 will yield a decimal that has an end since 2/5 = 0.4

More examples of fractions that will yield terminating decimals

Notice that for all the decimals below, you could put zeroes on the right side of the last digit and yet the value will not change. For example, 0.475 is the same as 0.4750 or 0.47500.

1. 34/125 = 0.272

2. 61/1000 = 0.061

3. 19/40 = 0.475

4. 4/5 = 0.8

5. 8/100 = 0.08

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